Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thank you, Libby

Libby is a beautiful, red-headed, six year old girl that is fighting cancer.  She is the best friend of a beautiful, blonde haired, six year old girl named Finley who just happens to be the daughter of my very good friends, Kevin and Shari.

In the last two weeks, Libby has been diagnosed with a Wilm's tumor, has had her kidney (along with the three pound tumor) removed and has had open heart surgery to remove pieces of the tumor that broke off and lodged in her heart.  She came home on Monday and is starting chemo and radiation tomorrow.  In the meantime, Shari decided that Libby needed a coming home parade.  She somehow rallied the neighborhood and with the help of Kevin, spread the word to the news networks to get everyone out there less than 24 hours later.  Libby's entire school and many of the parents turned out to cheer Libby on.  You can read the story and see the video from the Dallas Morning News here.

I was lucky enough to be invited to the event.  I decided to take my camera along in case everyone else was too busy watching the parade to document it.  Here are just a few of the photos:

Little did I know that by bringing my camera, I would touch the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people when the pictures were shared with the world on facebook.  Telling Libby's story and spreading the love that everyone has for her can only lead to great things.  I hope that everyone who sees my pics decides to help someone in need, donate a little to their favorite charity or even just hug their kids a little tighter.

I never considered that I could do good with my pictures.  I always thought I was too amateur and too inexperienced to do something great.  Thank you, Libby, for helping me find a way to help others.  Even if I never do another thing with my photography, I can be happy knowing that I helped someone, somewhere by sharing Libby's story.

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